Jane Adshead-Grant

You want to enhance your communication, strengthen your relationships and progress your ideas further.
Your days are filled and your mind is full. You would like more space to unpack and develop your thinking. You have opportunities to progress and challenges to overcome. You want to enhance your communication, inspire and influence stakeholders, strengthen the leader in you and deepen your relationships.
To be a great communicator is to be a great listener. To be a great leader is to be a great listener. To have a strong relationship is to be a great listener.
To develop your own listening further you’ll want to experience being listened to in a way that generates your best thinking and feeling of expression.
In the presence of generative listening, you’ll be able to progress your ideas, gain greater clarity, feel more confident and be encouraged to accomplish your personal and professional aspirations.
As an ICF Master Coach and Global Faculty Member of Time to Think, I work with leaders in business, education, non-profit and the community to support them move further, faster to the heart of their situation and generate solutions that work for them.
Jane’s Book
The Listening Coach is a practical pocket guide. It will help you coach yourself through the elements of listening that are critical in life, in business and in your community. It is easy to read and digest, with practical ideas so you can convert its insights into deeper ways of listening. Peppered with conversations and real-world case studies, you will discover the transformational impact of deep and generative listening.
The Listening Coach will help you make a positive difference in the lives you encounter as you answer five key questions:
1. Why is listening critical in life, business, and community?
2. How can we navigate different levels of listening?
3. How can we develop the skills of listening?
4. What are the biases that challenge our listening and the principles that anchor it?
5. How can we sustain the habit of deep listening?
“The most fundamental way to show someone you care about them – to honour their dignity and make them feel valued – is by listening to them. Imagine our world if this were the default behaviour in communities across the globe! The Listening Coach has the power to enhance your personal relationships, your career and your community and help bring about the world we imagine.”
Bob Chapman, CEO of Barry-Wehmiller and
author of Everybody Matters: The Extraordinary Power of Caring for Your People Like Family

Develop your listening skills
to deepen your relationships and
strengthen the leader in you.
To create the climate where those in your span of care
feel able to speak so others will listen and
listen so that others will speak, openly and honestly.
You recognise that listening is a fundamental skill, underrated in life, business
and our communities and yet it is essential for leaders, team members, for us all.
For when we listen well, we develop stronger relationships.
We become better leaders, parents, mentors and coaches.
Your different pathways to explore:
1:1 coaching – in the experience of receiving generative listening with coaching you are able to understand yourself more fully, liberate your mind and step into who you are meant to be and perform at your best.
Personally develop the habit of generative listening – You are looking to take your listening skills to the next level. In doing so, you will liberate your own mind and that of others enabling them to think well, solve their challenges and gain greater self-confidence.
Engage in a listening session with your team for increased inclusivity, advanced communication skills, high quality thinking, and performance.
1 : 1
Providing you the space to reflect and develop your thinking further and reclaim your own mind to lead more effectively with confidence, clarity and compassion.
A 28-day guided practice to help you develop your listening skills to the next level, freeing our own mind and enabling others to be their best selves.
Discover the impact of listening to generate the finest independent thinking in others and yourself and join me for any of the Thinking Environment programmes working 1:1 or in teams or groups.

Jane is an executive coach and facilitator specialising in listening and human-centred leadership. She is a master certified coach with the International Coach Federation and a Global Faculty Member with Time to Think. In addition, Jane is an ambassador of Truly Human Leadership where leaders have the courage and skills to care for those they have the privilege of leading.
Jane is also author of ‘Are you Listening or Just Waiting to Speak – the secret to propelling your business relationships’.
Something personal, Jane loves being in nature whether that is walking or cycling with her husband and travelling to experience different cultures around the world. She experiences deep joy being called Mum to two grown up girls.
“When we listen generatively it enables others to understand themselves more fully, liberate their mind and enable them
to step into who they are meant to be and perform at their best”
-Jane Adshead-Grant
Jane’s purpose is to support you through listening. Listening to generate your best thinking, reclaim your mind and make good decisions in service of your life and work. To help you and your team develop further your listening skills and create listening cultures where everybody feels heard, seen and appreciated for who they are as well as what they do.
Jane’s core values are
Personal Growth
I invite you to step out of your comfort zone to explore, to grow and reflect on your learnings for greater wisdom.
I believe in creating a safe space for you to be yourself. To encourage, support and serve you to accomplish your chosen outcomes.
I believe in gratitude. Noticing and saying what is good – the qualities we see within each human being, the beauty around us and celebrating what is right with the world.

“I will forever be appreciative and grateful for the time I spent coaching with Jane, and what she empowered me to unlock within myself. I came to her at a professional and personal crossroads. Through our work together I was able to gain the self-awareness and courage to tackle the limiting beliefs that were holding me back, and identify values that would help me to release the fear in my path forward. I feel especially fortunate to have had the privilege of working with Jane through a moment in time that would have challenged even the most experienced of leader, as her empathetic, kind and supportive approach allowed me to always be honest about where I was at that moment, share my fears, and explore how to see opportunity in the most difficult of situations. Jane’s approach is gentle and never judgmental. Through deep listening and reflective questioning she brings you to a level introspection I’ve never gotten to before. I’ve been able to do the work, answer some complicated questions, and feel optimistic about what lies ahead thanks to my time with Jane. I do hope that every leader has the opportunity to participate in coaching, and I couldn’t recommend enough that you do it with Jane!”
“Before I embarked on this journey, I had no idea what coaching really meant and what it could do for me. Looking back at the past year, I am overwhelmed by how much I have achieved as a leader – thanks to Jane. She is both kind and thoughtful. She created a safe environment for me to truly be me, unlocking my thoughts, and allowing me to think for myself, by myself. Till this day I’ve been benefiting from these invaluable incisive questions: ‘If I knew I couldn’t fail, how’d I show up?’; ‘If I knew I could say and be in charge of what I believe in, and learn from it, how would I focus on developing me to be even better?’. Thank you Jane, for helping me to be one step closer to my purpose, for encouraging me to be the best I can be – and I know I will continue to unleash the strength within myself and others.”
“Jane has coached me for the last year. I have a highly stressful job as a Head and there is absolutely no doubt she has helped me stay remarkably chilled through the madness of my typical year. She has used a combination of Time to Think and executive coaching to stretch and challenge my leadership. Worth every penny!”
“A year on from working with Jane I can tell you – the impact and value is lasting. I don’t want to overuse the words “life changing”but in all honesty my day-to-day life has changed since coaching- as I find myself better able to tackle challenges, balance stress, and make decisions in an effective and meaningful way.”
“Jane’s method of coaching is all about helping you find your own solutions to your biggest development areas, challenges and opportunities to succeed by providing a safe environment for you to explore your thoughts. During our year of coaching, Jane really helped me clarify my ambitions and what type of leader I wanted to be and how to get there. Her coaching has been fundamental to my ongoing success and I’m still using lots of the frameworks and tips today”
“Thank you for the listening space you gave me this morning. It was powerful and helpful. As you know I do a lot of reflecting but this can become circular thinking which then leaves me no better off. Today was refreshing as it allowed me to embrace two different aspects of my nature and gives me hope about how they can become aligned, and that they are not mutually exclusive.”
“Jane is an amazing coach, and the impact of her coaching in the last 12 months has had a truly powerful and lasting effect on me. She has taught me to both embrace and champion my aspirations and ideals for human-centred leadership. And significantly, she has helped me to achieve, and to be even more deeply committed to, the skilful and delicate balance of being both kind and assertive in my leadership, for which she is a true role model. I have loved working with Jane, and I would recommend Jane to anyone wanting a supportive, highly skilled coach who can help you make deep transformations.”