Do you aspire for loving relationships? To be engaged in meaningful work. To travel and discover more. To make an impact in the world with your gifts and talents? To be valued for who are so you can add value to others?

As I hold up the mirror and reflect on these questions, these were my questions. And the answer to them all was a resounding YES. And yet, I hadn’t found the way to accomplish that YES.

For the past 30 years I have been on a journey to fulfil these aspirations. It has been a journey of riches and rewards. Of disappointments and sores. And yet I wouldn’t change a thing.

As I continue to hold up the mirror and reflect taking a look back at the winding path of my journey I realise the only thing holding me back of being the confident, creative and courageous being I was meant to be, was ME.

Through finding my purpose, helping others find the jewel in the rubble to unlock their resourcefulness within, has created a life rich in meaning and fulfilment, more than I could have ever imagined.

My role is to listen unlike you have been listened to before. Giving my attention; a palpable respect for what you say out loud and think inside. To offer a space to express how you feel. To encourage your creativity and courage to be the person you want to be, you are meant to be.

Do you feel stuck right now? Unsure what is the next step to take? Doubting the decision you are about to make?

Connect with me here, as your listening coach, to feel liberated and on your way.